Browse Items (4737 total)

Photo of a parade with a horse pulling a carriage (driver visible) float (the float is visible on the left of the photo) draped in a stars and stripes flag. On top of the float are women in dresses (one wearing a crown). There are people watching on…

Photo of a parade with a horse pulling a carriage (driver visible) float draped in a stars and stripes flag. On top of the float are women in dresses (one wearing a crown). There are people watching on each side (some up against a white fence) and a…

Photo of parade with a horses and carriage with a star on it coming down the procession, the drivers and several people in the carriage are visible. A field, trees, and telephone poles are visible in the background. Also included is a 8cm X 12 cm…

Photo of a rectangular parade float with people in it and a sign on the side that reads, "Co Ordinate Club." Signs on the top and front of the float are illegible. Also included is a 7cm X 12 cm black & white print of the same image.

Photo of parade with woman in huge dress skirt coming down the procession. The woman is holding an umbrella. Also included is a 7cm X 12 cm black & white print of the same image.

Photo of rodeo with people watching around a platform with the words "The Farm" legible. Three people riding horses are in the field. At least two people on horseback are right in front of the platform. Also included is a 7cm X 12 cm black & white…

Photo of parade with a person on horseback holding an American flag coming down the procession, another rider (a man) in front of them. There is a portion of car visible on the left, people watching the parade in the background. Also included is a…

Photo of cattle in a corral with two men visible in the background. Also included is a 7cm X 12 cm black & white print of the same image.

Photo of parade with a military memorial float coming down the procession, one man and a woman on the float in uniform, people watching along the street. There are flag holders following behind the float with two American flags visible. Also included…

Photo of parade with an airplane coming down the procession, man in uniform walking in front, people watching along the street. Also included is a 7cm X 12 cm black & white print of the same image.

Photo of a street with cars on it, buildings (including a Quonset hut) and American flag in the background.

Business card for the 1996 National Convention and Student Conference for the Society of Women Engineers in Portland, OR, June 25-29

Given by the Society of Women Engineers

Given by the Society of Women Engineers Eastern Washington Section.

Appointment by the governor of Oregon, John A. Kitzhaber, as member of the Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission from February 29, 2000 to February 28, 2004.

Requesting Wanda Munn to convience with the CSEPP Executive Review Panel to assess the status of emergency response programs in communities surrounding the Umatilla Chemical Depot.

Appointment by the governor of Oregon, John A. Kitzhaber, as member of the Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission from March 1, 1998 to February 28, 2000.

Photo of a bus terminal showing lanes of several blue buses labeled with Hanford areas and Richland street names (designating the bus's route), such as 200 W Hunt, 100-F Snow, and 100-H Comstock (includes others that are not legible). There are…

Photo of a bus terminal (shot taken from a different direction) showing 12 lanes of several blue buses labeled with Hanford areas and Richland street names (designating the bus's route), such 100-N, 300, and 100-D Wright (includes others, some of…

Bruggeman stone house

Howard Amon Park.jpg

Samuel Moses Allard

Hanford street scene

Vernita school house

Horn Rapids Dam

Article about efforts of Tri-Cities groups to pressure the Department of Energy to keep the Fast Flux Test Facility open

Clipping from Tri City Herald about Edward Milliman and a female companion being locked into a Black Angus restaurant when the staff, thinking the restaurant was empty, closed and locked the doors.

Wanda Munn speaking about her participation and views on the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro that took place June 3-14, 1992.

Tri-City Herald article on Wanda Munn's appointment to the board that created the Energy Empoloyees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA)

Tri-City Herald article on Wanda Munn's FFTF reflections and accomplishments.

Article about the failure of Tri-Cities advocates to pressure for a restart of the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF)

Tri-City Herald article on Wanda Munn shortly after she started her position at Hanford.

Certified N Reactor Control Operator certificate for M. A. Jensen from UNC Nuclear Industries

From issue no. 1: “Villagers Inc., a non-profit organization open to all residents of Richland and nearby tract homes in the area, was formed here last month for the purpose of ‘providing means for contributing to the welfare, recreation,…

A Certificate of Merit presented to Jerry Tallent for his work on the Dismantling Machine Design Team.

Westinghouse Hanford Company brochure for attracting new workers.

Westinghouse Hanford "Communicator" article on Wanda Munn winning the "Distinguished New Engineer" for 1985.

Wheeler Family.pdf
These were handwritten and typed responses to a questionnaire sent out by the White Bluffs-Hanford Pioneer Association, for its 38th Anniversary or Reunion Booklet (sometime in the 1980’s).

Warriner, Watson - One Way Many Voices.mp4
A short documentary featuring Watson Warriner, a high-level DuPont employee during the Manhattan Project. From a personal email sent from Warriner to CREHST Curator Connie Estep - "It highlights the astounding construction statistics of HEW, the…

Biography of Willard J. Kincaid, manager of the First Bank of White Bluffs

One of four student design projects imagining a future resource in East Pasco

Vanis, Daniels.jpg
Vanis Daniels moved to Pasco, Washington in 1951 as a teenager and began working on the Hanford Site in 1966.

An interview conducted as part of the Hanford Oral History Project. The Hanford Oral History Project was sponsored by Mission Support…

Barnett, Daniel.jpg
An interview with Daniel Barnett conducted as part of the Hanford Oral History Project. The Hanford Oral History Project was sponsored by Mission Support Alliance on behalf of the United States Department of Energy.

Didier, Alice.jpg
An interview with Alice Didier conducted as part of the Hanford Oral History Project. The Hanford Oral History Project was sponsored by the Mission Support Alliance and the United States Department of Energy.
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