Browse Items (1110 total)

View of grassy, heavily treed area flooded [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of large open area flooded; many tress, and small structure seen centered. [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of open area after flood waters receded; small structure seen to the right [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of bulldozer on roadway; heavily sandbagged on water’s edge [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of 8 men on roadway, near water’s edge; numerous sandbags seen on water’s edge [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of several structures, some Quonset buildings, seen partially flooded. Sign centered reads, “Exit Only, One Way Do Not Enter”. (Poss. Hanford camp site?) [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of large open area flooded; several houses seen in distance. [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

View of large open area flooded from roadway; houses, barns, horse stalls seen in background. [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]

Photo of Tri-City Braves baseball team photo, 1954; 16 players featured, coach (“Ray ‘Doc’ Hoyt”) and batboy.

Two trees in forested mountains, with coastline potentially in background.

"1 photograph; 20.4 x 25.6 cm.
Many laid out spots for homes to be built on. Text on back of image reads: ""Hanford Works; Photo No. 10; Area Ranch type home; Date 8-26-48; Code U; Robley L. Johnson Photo Richland, Washington""."

"1 photograph; 12.8 x 17.3 cm.
Men working on drafts, men working with tubes, woman and man with medical equipment, two men working on machines."

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.3 cm.
Three men looking at one man speaking. Text on back of image reads: ""300A 1. Homer Money; 2. J.S. Lorenzen; 3. Everett A. Weakley; 4. J.D. (Bud) Shaffer"""

Tags: &

"1 photograph; 20.2 x 25.3 cm.
Image of L.E. Kusler, B.E. Leslie, D.L. Peterson, and W.B. Humes scoping the 3/3 bldg. model. Text on back reads: ""Feb. 14, 1956 Scoping the 3/3 Bldg. Model; L.E. Kusler; B.E. Leslie; D.L. Perterson; W.G. Humes;…

"1 photograph; 20.2 x 30.4 cm.
Four men standing side by side posing."

Tags: &

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
FQI/FIT-151-9000-1 magnetic flowmeter and AIT/TIT-151-9000-1 pH controller."

"1 photograph; 5.6 x 8.1 cm.
Frank Trent standing in uniform at Camp Hanford 1950. Text on image reads: ""Trent 1950""."

"1 photograph; 10.6 x 7.9 cm.
Frank Trent standing in uniform on the steps of a cinderblock building at Camp Hanford 1950. Text on image reads: ""Frank Trent A Battery""."

"1 photograph; 20.8 x 24.2 cm.
Taken looking at the front of an alphabet house, specifically a G house, with the house number of 1824. Text on the back of photo reads: "The Columbia River flows within a stone's throw of this house - a "G" type,…

"1 photograph; 21.5 x 27.5 cm.
Labels on machines read Fuel Elevator and Fuel Loader."

"1 photograph; 10.6 x 7.8 cm.
Four men in a room, three on beds and one sitting at a desk. Text on image reads: ""The room across the hall from mine."" Text continues with labeling 3 of for men, reading left from right: ""Moore, Tice, Gana""."

"1 photograph; 17.3 x 24.5 cm.
Seven people around General Electric logos and names. All men are wearing mustaches and posing with their arms crossed."

View of several formally dressed men and women sitting at round tables, with a couple (nearest to photographer) overseeing the party from a separate long table. Noted on back of photo, "G.E. News Bureau New Year's Eve Party 1954. Left to right: Jack…

"1 film; 2.4 x 3.5 cm.
Two men visible near gas pump and cars in sight. Gas station has writing which reads: ""Standard Oil Products"", and ""Hanford""."

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 13.8 cm.
People at area of the flood and dike. Text on front of image reads: ""Geo. Washington Way with Dike - Richland, WA""."

"1 photograph; 10.4 x 10.2 cm.
George Beers standing next to a car. Text on back reads: ""Richland, 48 George Beers""."

"1 photograph; 21.6 x 28 cm.
Small girl looking behind her at a 90 MM gun. Text on back of image reads: ""Kathy Jo Haley 1955""."

"1 photograph; 8.9 x 12.8 cm.
People waiting for Atomic Frontier Days parade to come through, on George Washington Way."

"1 photograph; 6.4 x 10.8 cm.
Women with brooms getting into a Jeep for Atomic Frontier Days parade with people watching."

"1 photograph; 10.3 x 15.4 cm.
Photo of a man, women, two children (both male), an older lady and a dog."

"1 photograph; 10.6 x 7.8 cm.
720 mm gun at Camp Hanford; soldiers operating artillery. Text on image reads: ""720 MM gun Camp Hanford 1950""."

"1 photograph: col.; 7 x 7.9 cm.
Image of a man with the name of H.P. Shaw. Text on front of image reads: ""H.P. Shaw""."


View of several older and middle-aged men and women eating at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.661

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.708

View of several older and middle-aged men and women eating at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.672

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.665

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.671

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at park tables, with a woman second from left in a white dress, at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.702

1 photo: Color, 9 cm x 12.5cm. View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.663

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups, with a central pair shaking hands, at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: (2015.004.647)

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in small groups in the shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.706

View of a three older women, one wearing a pink hat, conversing at a park table at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.660

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in a group circle at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.705

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at and around park table at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.662

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups, with a central pair shaking hands, at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.641

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in small groups under tree shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.673

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at and around long park table setup at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.670

View of several older men and women conversing at and around park table under tree shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.669

View of a few older men and women conversing in a lawn chair group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.659

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.668
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