"1 photograph; 12.7 x 18.2 cm.
Two men looking at papers and one man looking at a scale model of the 105N building. Text on image reads: ""Checking possible interference of ventilation ducts with access ways - that's what Burt Leslie (left),…
"Leona Tigner nearly 16, Henry Tigner 13.5, Willie Hall 6.5, Freddie Hall 3 past, Kitty Hall 1 year. Bill Hall-France, Fred Hall-Germany. Do you know who we are? Taken the day before Kitty was 1 years old.Mrs. Hall drop us a line once in a while."
An audio oral history interview with Tom Kelly conducted by Gene Weisskopf for the B Reactor Museum Association as part of an interview series focused on the T Plant and writing a Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) document for the T Plant.…