Browse Items (4737 total)

Group of men and women seated at a banquet table.

Group of men, and women at a banquet/award ceremony.

Group of men and women at a banquet/award ceremony.

A group of older men and woman seated at a picnic table during a White Bluffs-Hanford reunion picnic.

Men and women sitting on a sofa (in a hotel), during a White Bluffs reunion.

1 Photo Print: 12 x 7.5 cm. Pasted into scrapbook. Group in a river (possibly Columbia River). From left to right "Chas Sanford" "Willoughby" "Markie" "Arch" "Ada" "Agnes

"1 photograph; 10.6 x 7.8 cm.
720 mm gun at Camp Hanford; soldiers operating artillery. Text on image reads: ""720 MM gun Camp Hanford 1950""."

"Guy Foster Boat was used to row river to go to high school and all school avtivities. Our ranch is in background. Lee, Alice & Guy used same boat."

"1 photograph: col.; 7 x 7.9 cm.
Image of a man with the name of H.P. Shaw. Text on front of image reads: ""H.P. Shaw""."


Edward Milliman disecting a Syrian Hamster after exposing the animal to different inhilation tests. Photograph number 34352-97-cn

Edward Milliman loading a hamster into a smoking tube for asbestos exposure testing. Photograph number PNL 711513-3.

View of several older and middle-aged men and women eating at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.661

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.708

View of several older and middle-aged men and women eating at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.672

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.665

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.671

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at park tables, with a woman second from left in a white dress, at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.702

1 photo: Color, 9 cm x 12.5cm. View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.663

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups, with a central pair shaking hands, at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: (2015.004.647)

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in small groups in the shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.706

View of a three older women, one wearing a pink hat, conversing at a park table at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.660

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in a group circle at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.705

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at and around park table at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.662

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups, with a central pair shaking hands, at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.641

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in small groups under tree shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.673

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at and around long park table setup at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.670

View of several older men and women conversing at and around park table under tree shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.669

View of a few older men and women conversing in a lawn chair group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.659

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.668

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in a group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.664

View of four older and middle-aged men conversing in a group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.667

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups while others in lawn chairs look on at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.658

View of five older and middle-aged men conversing in a group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.666

View of four older and middle-aged men conversing in a group (with second from left wearing a pink polo shirt) at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate: 2015.004.710

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups while others in lawn chairs look on at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.655

View of a few older men and women conversing in a lawn chair group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.651

View of a three older women, one wearing a pink hat, conversing at a park table at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.643

View of several older and middle-aged men and women eating at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.634

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at and around park table at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.645

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.640

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in a group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.653

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.637

View of five older and middle-aged men conversing in a group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.656

View of four older and middle-aged men conversing in a group at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.654

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.652

View of several older men and women conversing at and around park table under tree shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.650

View of several older and middle-aged men and women conversing at and around long park table setup at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.649

View of several older and middle-aged men conversing in groups at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.638

View of several older and middle-aged men and women eating at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.636

View of a few older and middle-aged men conversing in small groups under tree shade at the HAMTC (Hanford Atomic Metal Trades Council) Union Picnic at Howard Amon Park in Richland, WA Duplicate of: 2015.004.648
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