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- Tags: PUREX
An interview with Leonard Gustafson
An interview conducted as part of the Hanford Oral History Project. The Hanford Oral History Project was sponsored by the Mission Support Alliance and the United…
Interview with Bob Bush
An interview conducted as part of the Hanford Oral History Project. The Hanford Oral History Project was sponsored by the Mission Support Alliance and the United States…
Tags: 1955& 200 Area& 300 Area& 700 Area& 703 Building& B Reactor& Battelle& Cat& Cold War& Dam& Desert& DuPont& Energy Northwest& F Area& FBI& General Electric& H Area& HAMMER& Hanford& Henry Kaiser& Hunting& Kennedy& Kennewick& N Reactor& Park& PUREX& River& Savannah River& School& Street& supplies& War& Westinghouse
Interview with Charles Davis
Interview with George and Marjorie Kraemer
Tags: 100 Area& 1955& 200 Area& 300 Area& 700 Area& 703 Building& Award& Awards& B Plant& Battelle& Cold War& General Electric& Hanford& Kennedy& Kennewick& Mountain& Mountains& N Reactor& PUREX& Quonset hut& Quonset huts& Stores& T Plant& Tank Farm& Tank Farms& Theater& War& Westinghouse
Interview with Mark Jensen
An interview conducted as part of the Hanford Oral History Project. The Hanford Oral History Project…
Tags: 2-East Area& 200 Area& 200 East& 200 East Area& Battelle& Department of Energy& Energy Northwest& Hanford& K Basin& K West Reactor& K-Basin& K-West Reactor& Kennewick& Manhattan Project& N Reactor& Pacific Northwest National Laboratory& Plutonium& Plutonium Finishing Plant& PUREX& School& Sun& Tank Farm& Tank Farms& United Nuclear Corporation& VIT Plant& War& Washington Public Power Supply System& Westinghouse
Interview with Michael Lawrence
Tags: 200 Area& Atomic Energy Commission& B Reactor& B Reactor Museum Association& Battelle& Cat& ceremonies& Dam& Department of Energy& Fast Flux Test Facility& Hanford& Kennewick& Los Alamo& Los Alamos& Manhattan Project& Mountain& N Reactor& Plutonium& Plutonium Finishing Plant& PUREX& Quonset hut& Quonset huts& River& Road& Savannah River& School& Sun& VIT Plant& Vitrification Plant& War& Washington Public Power Supply System
Interview with Philip Craig
Tags: 703 Building& Atomic Energy Commission& B Plant& Battelle& Department of Energy& Event& Fast Flux Test Facility& General Electric& Hanford& Kennedy& Mountain& Nuclear Regulatory Commission& Park& Plutonium& PUREX& River& Savannah River& Tank Farm& Tank Farms& Vitrification Plant& Waste Vitrification Plant& Z Plant
Interview with Robert Parr
Tags: 100 Area& 1100 Area& 300 Area& 400 Area& Battelle& Cold War& Department of Energy& DuPont& Fast Flux Test Facility& Hanford& K-West Area& Kennewick& Manhattan Project& Mountain& N Reactor& Nuclear Regulatory Commission& Plutonium& Plutonium Finishing Plant& PUREX& Safety& Theater& Transportation& VIT Plant& War& Washington Public Power Supply System& Westinghouse
Interview with Roger McClellan
Tags: 1954& 300 Area& Atomic Energy Commission& Battelle& Cancer& Cold War& DuPont& General Electric& Hanford& injuries& Los Alamo& Los Alamos& Manhattan Project& Park& PUREX& School& Street& Sun& War
Interview with Sandra Paine
Tags: ch2m hill& Hanford& nuclear chemical operator& PUREX& Tank Farms& Woman& Women
Interview with William Tyler
Tags: 100 Area& 1955& 2-East Area& 200 Area& 200 East& 200 East Area& 200 West Area& 300 Area& B Plant& Battelle& Bechtel& Cat& Cold War& General Electric& HAMMER& Hanford& K-West Area& Kennedy& Kennewick& PUREX& T Plant& U Plant& War& Westinghouse