Browse Items (1110 total)

"1 Film; 4.8 x 6.9 cm.
Two groups of a man and woman looking at exhibits at Hanford Science Center. Man and woman on left side are looking up at objects hanging from the side of wall, man on right side are looking at a small scale model of an area.

"1 Film; 4.8 x 6.9 cm.
Two groups of a man and woman looking at exhibits at Hanford Science Center. Man and woman on left side are looking up at objects hanging from the side of wall, man on right side are looking at a small scale model of an area.

"1 photograph; 6.4 x 6.6 cm.
People standing outside of a church in nice clothing. Text on back of image reads: ""Central United Protestant Church""."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 10.2 cm.
Many people, men and women, seated and dining, some looking in camera direction."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 10.2 cm.
Many people, men and women, seated and dining, most looking in camera direction. Text on back of image reads: "Robley L Johnson Studio 911 Geo. Washington Way Richland, Washington".

"1 photograph; 20.6 x 25.3 cm.
Many people, men and women, seated and dining, most looking in camera direction."

"1 photograph; 6.3 x 6.4 cm.
Girls in rows walking down street in Atomic Frontier Days parade."

"1 photograph; 16.3 x 21.5 cm.
People standing and operating machines in dug out area."

"1 photograph; 12.7 x 20.3 cm.
People in fields with mountains in the background. Text on slip of paper reads: ""Rabbit Drive - Early 1900's: Men and women were part of a cruel but very necessary endeavor in the early pioneer days of White Bluffs…

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.5 cm.
Large group of people gathered."

"1 photograph; 18.2 x 24.7 cm.
Large group of people gathered. "

"1 photograph; 20.2 x 34.2 cm.
Four people, one man, woman, and two children posing for a picture."

"1 photograph; 12.6 x 17.2 cm.
2 women and 2 men standing just outside of shop that reads Cigars and Tobacco, and also sells Ice cream and fruit."

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"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.5 cm.
Two men and one woman riding horses in Atomic Frontier Days Parade."

"1 photograph; 12.6 x 10 cm.
People standing on two bridges looking at extensive flooding."

"1 photograph; 12.6 x 10 cm.
People standing on the sides of a road while a bulldozer moves dirt in a yard in the background. Image reads left to right: ""ITTNEWS 18 June '71 C 117%""."

"1 photograph; 7 x 11.6 cm.
People walking down the street and buses parked on the side of the street. Text on back reads: ""Richland City Bus""."

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"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.3 cm.
A room with men and women posing with framed documents that read ""Award of Merit"" or ""Pace Setter Award"""

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"1 photograph; 21.6 x 27.8 cm.
Several men in white clothing doing different tasks at work. Text on back of image reads: ""General Electric Photography Unit Hanford Atomic Process Generation Request No. 13908-5""."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.3 cm.
People working in construction."

"1 photograph; 9.5 x 12.4 cm.
Many people working at desks in a building. Text on back of image reads: ""#3; 63%""."

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"1 photograph; 15.3 x 10.3 cm.
Person driving and a car parked on road."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Pipe running through long ditch."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Pipes inside a concrete hole with ladders."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Pipes inside a concrete hole with ladders."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Pipes inside a hole with a ladder and overhead lights."

"1 photograph; 25.2 x 25.6 cm.
A close up view of pipes with a sign that reads RPM Special motor oil."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.4 cm.
Man up close painting pipe with substance."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.4 cm.
Man looking at pipes that run to a building."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Man up close painting pipe with substance with other men in background."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.4 cm.
Two men painting pipe with substance with other men in background."

"1 photograph; 25.2 x 25.5 cm.
Two men looking at pipe and one man working on it."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.6 cm.
Several pipes running against wall. Some pipes also coming out from the bottom of the wall."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Several pipes on the wall and a ladder."

"1 photograph; 25.2 x 25.4 cm.
Pipes running through a ditch."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.6 cm.
Pipes running through a ditch."

"1 photograph: col.; 21.9 x 27.9 cm.
Rectangular pools with other objects and man turning wheel."

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 13.8 cm.
Portable Home (Pre-fab house) in Richland, WA. Pubby Ellis 4709. Text on front of image reads: ""Portable Home - Richland-Wash; Pubby Ellis 4709"". Text on back of image reads: ""Pre-Fab houses""."

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 13.8 cm.
Image of the outside of a portable home in Richland. Text on image reads: ""Portable Home - Richland - Wash; Pubby Ellis 4704""."

Close proximity view of a Richland 2BR prefab. Noted in caption, "Portable Home - Richland, Wash. Pub [Published] by Ellis 4704."

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 13.7 cm.
River overflowing very close to houses. Christian 6. On the front of the image reads: ""Looking east from Richland toward ""Y""; Rob Johnson Christian 10-5"". On the back of the image reads: ""Priest""."

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 13.7 cm.
River overflowing very close to houses. Christian 6. Text on front of image reads: ""Portion of Residential section at Richland; Rob Johnson Christian 6"". Text on back of image reads: ""1948 Richland Flood Haines Ave…

"1 photograph; 20.2 x 30.4 cm.
Three men and one woman posing for a picture."

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"1 photograph; 12.6 x 17.8 cm.
"Hanford Environmental Health Foundation" exhibit at Hanford Science Center. Other people are nearby including men, women and children. Text on back of image reads: "Photo No. 101751-8cn PNL Photography Richland,…

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View of a well-dressed man giving a speech. Noted on back of photo, "Pres. Buckner speaks at NW RI at Pendleton, 1954. State JC proxy, 8941."

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 28 cm.
President Nixon talking into a microphone."

"1 photograph; 18 x 23.7 cm.
Many men sitting or standing listing to man in suit talking."

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 14.1 cm.
Overview of water nearing the road and flooding. Text on back of image reads: ""Protection Dike, Geo, Washington Way Richland, WA"". Xt on the back of image reads: ""1948 Flood near Geo Wash St. and River Pump House;…

"1 photograph; 8.8 x 13.6 cm.
Lewis and Clark (original). Text on front of image reads: ""Public School - Richland - Wash.; Ellis 4712"". Text on back of image reads: ""Lewis - Clark School (Original); Now of the grade schools - they have four grade…

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Pulley system lifting a large device with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy 98070284 - 26CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

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