Browse Items (4737 total)

1 Photo Print: 4 x 6.5 cm. Young girl posing in front of a field with power lines in the background.

1 Photo Print: 3.5 x 9.5 cm.

1 Photo Print: 6.5 x 11 cm. Man and young girl posing in front of a field with power lines in the background.

1 Photo Print: 11 x 8.5 cm. A group of six on horseback, four women and two men.

1 Photo Print: 8 x 10.5 cm. Group of four pose with cricken bats.

1 Photo Print: 5.5 x 7.5 cm. Child poses with cricket bat with two adults in background, one is holding an umbrella.

1 Photo Print: 6.5 x 10.5 cm. Two men pose in front of a rural street scene, likely Hanford.

1 Photo Print: 8.5 x 14 cm. "George Wintz Hanford 1914 gave me dandy kodak." Man in army uniform standing in front of Columbia River

1 Photo Print:7 x 11 cm. "Agnes Sanford + Peggy Hanford 1914" posing in front of a tree at Hanford.

1 Photo Print:7 x 11 cm. "Nat + Marjorie" posing on the deck of a home.

1 Photo Print: 6.5 x 11 cm. "Marjorie Haynes" posing in front of a home holding a doll on her right arm.

1 Photo Print: 6.5 x 6 cm. "Chas. Sanford [Mickie Earlis] Nat Haynes" posing on a dock.

1 Photo Print: 6 x 8.5 cm. "Walter Scott Haynes '27" a child sitting in a toy car in front of a home.

1 Photo Print: 12.5 x 6.5 cm. Group on horseback.

1 Photo Print: 5.5 x 10.5 cm. "Hanford Wa - 1912 Marjorie + Walter H"

1 Photo Print: 10.5 x 5.5 cm. "Picnic of Hanford Folks at Seward Pk. 1934"

1 Photo Print: 14 x 8 cm. "Aunt Coras House in Hanford 1915 Burned"

1 Photo Print: 9.5 x 6.5 cm. "1. Markie Earles 2. Lucille Langford Berg 3. Adelaide Macomber 4. Carla Haynes Ridenour 5. Lillian Larsen 6. May Crews 7. Cora Haynes Clark 8. Elaine Hanford Haynes Hanford Wash. About 1915"

1 Photo Print: 10 x 6 cm. "1. Marley B Haynes 2. Milton Haynes 3. Elaine Haynes 4. Cora H. Clarke in front - Nat Mardey

1 Photo Print: 6 x 10 cm. On front: "Eldridge & Price" On back: "Manley B. Haynes June 1882"

1 Photo Print: 3.5 x 5.5 cm. "Manley B. Haynes"

1 Photo Print: 10 x 7.5 cm. "Chas Sanford, Carla Haynes, and Markie Earles Hanford Wash. 1913"

1 Photo Print: 10.5 x 16.5 cm. "Manley B Haynes. Eldrige-Brown, Mankato"

1 Photo Print: 7.5 x 8 cm. "'Grandpa Haynes' Milton B. Haynes taken in Hanford, WA. 1910"

1 Photo Print: 10.5 x 7 cm. "Aunt Cora's House in Hanford 1912"

1 Newspaper Clipping: 4.5 x 10.5 cm. Obituary for Elaine Haynes

1 Newspaper Clipping: 21.5 x 28 cm. Obituary of M.B. Haynes

1 Letter: 21.5 x 28 cm.

FFTF Transition in Power001.tif
24 x 24 cm: Brochure for breeder reactors and the Fast Flux Test Facility

Brochure advertising the Hanford Science Center

27 x 20cm: Brochure for the Arid Lands Ecology Project

Creator of the collection is unknown. __ __The 100 KE Work Permit Collection was deposited by Thomas Marceau, employed by Hanford Site Contractor to the U. S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations, on October 19, 1999. The collection arrived in…

Documents were from a walkthrough of the 622-R Building, Hanford Meteorological Station, on December 5, 2007.

The Hanford Reach was published by Westinghouse Hanford Company from 11/1990 - 1997 then by Fluor Daniel Hanford (later Fluor Hanford) until 9/2003. It was first published only for Westinghouse employees, then in 1994 for all the Hanford site…

Four bound volumes of Rockwell News from 1977 - 1987. Titles and dates of volumes as follows: Rockwell News 1977-1979, 1980-1982, 1983-1985, and 1986-1987.

The collection contains maps and blueprints. A detailed list of the collection includes: Maps of Reactor Areas 100-B, 100-C, 100-D, 100-DR, 100-F, 100-H, 100-K, 100N, Separation Areas 200E and 200W, Metal Preparation Area 300, a mileage chart for…

Twenty-four (24) bound volumes of the Hanford sites employee and contractor employee newspaper from 1947 to 1982. Through the years it has had name changes, publisher changes, frequency of publication changes, and format changes. Seventeen volumes…

Artist's renditions, photocopies, maps, blueprints, magazine, a report, and a document.

The collection contains color photographs, color transparencies, color copies of photographs, and contact sheets. These all relate to the Russian visits to the Hanford Site in the 1990s and early 2000s.

This collection consists of documents (the bulk of which are from the 1980s and 1990s) pertaining to environmental issues at the Hanford Nuclear Site.

This collection consists of various reports and literature collected by Bill Kennedy during his career in waste control at the Hanford Site. This material is published but not readily available in the library or public document system.

Looking north east shown is the in-work construction progress of Building 305. Several workers can be seen positioning various building materials (beams and blocks). There are two cranes at either end of the building, with several piles of other…

Looking Northwest. Scaffolding surrounds the cinder block walls of the substation. Three workers stand on top of the scaffolding, one is looking towards the camera while two look into the substation. Another workman is climbing timber…

Looking south east. Phot of completed 303-K storehouse with venting pipe. One stack can be seen in the background, along with other buildings, and power line poles.


Looking Southwest. Mid construction shot of building 313 Fabrication Shop. Several piles of various building materials are on the ground.


Looking Southwest. Nearly completed storehouse.


Looking Southeast. Storage building with one visible window and a vent. Construction debris to the side of the building.


Looking Southwest. A lone worker stand atop the reservoir, a hose runs down the side of the structure to a pump truck with #USA-ME-13-2(unreadable).


Image of completed first aid building.


Looking East. Image is of the excavation for 107-B Building. An open pit with gravel and various graded surfaces.

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