"1 photograph; 13.8 x 8.8 cm.
Lots of cars parked in front of this hotel. 2-81. The Text on front of image reads: ""Desert Inn Hotel-Richland Wash-; 2-81"". Text on back of image reads: ""Harley Inn took us to a turkey dinner here on own 34. Wedding…
"1 photograph; 11.3 x 16.1 cm.
Image of a man by the name of Denis Hurtt. Text on front of image reads: ""Denis Hurtt"". Text on back of image reads: ""Denis Hurtt""."
An oral history interview with Dee McCullough for the B Reactor Museum Association. McCullough was a Instrumentation Supervisor at the Hanford Site during the Manhattan Project.
This collection consists of a range of documents pertaining to monitoring data, technical reports, environmental studies, official correspondence, and compliance assessments collected from Dade Moeller and Associates Inc. (now NV5).
An Optometrist's shop on "A" Avenue at Hanford. Two war propaganda posters are displayed on the side of the building - one reading "BACK OUR INVADERS" and another with a twin prop fighter place and unreadable text.
These were handwritten and typed responses to a questionnaire sent out by the White Bluffs-Hanford Pioneer Association, for its 38th Anniversary or Reunion Booklet (sometime in the 1980’s).