A drawing announcing an employee retirement reception: "Elizabeth A. (Liz) Jones is retiring after 21 years of service to Battelle and Hanford." Liz is depicted with Mickey Mouse ears and a Disney Sing-a-Long book, holding onto the legs of someone…
"1 photograph; 20.7 x 25.3 cm.
Four men sitting and seven standing all posing for picture. Some visible text in upper right-hand side of image reads (from left to right and top to bottom): ""The Analysis Chart The Listener's Viewpoint; (1)…
"1 photograph; 13.1 x 17.9 cm.
Eight-room school with 300 kids. Text on front of image reads: ""Eight-room School where 300 pupils are in attendance, Richland, Wash."""
"1 photograph; 18 x 22.8 cm.
Eight men posing, 4 standing and 4 sitting. Names left to right (starting in the back row): Ed Pollard, Malley, McKeeuer, ""MHM"", (and the seated row): voyle, charly weekky, workinyer, ""Hi""."