White Bluffs 7th and 8th grade class photo
Dublin Core
White Bluffs 7th and 8th grade class photo
White Bluffs 7th and 8th grade class photo. "In the 7th and 8th grade picture; back row, left to right;-- someone by the name of Keane I think, then "Me, Jay Montgomery," someone, Clyde Wilson, Bill Kirby, "Russel Blair, can't think of his name, Steward Hawley, or was it "Young". First row, left to right, Hazel, Alice Angle, Effie, Matha Sutherland, then two girls I do not remember, then Marion Wheeler, Holeck girl, Sadie Angle, someone else who moved in the picture, and them Rena-belle Angel. Oh yes, the fellow between Russell Blair and Hawley Stewart was a kid by the name of Heideman. (I remembered his name today while running the shovel loading out rock to the state trucks.)"
Hanford History Project at Washington State University Tri-Cities
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“White Bluffs 7th and 8th grade class photo
,” Hanford History Project, accessed March 15, 2025, http://hanfordhistory.com/items/show/3720.