"1 photograph; 20.2 x 25.3 cm.
Image of L.E. Kusler, B.E. Leslie, D.L. Peterson, and W.B. Humes scoping the 3/3 bldg. model. Text on back reads: ""Feb. 14, 1956 Scoping the 3/3 Bldg. Model; L.E. Kusler; B.E. Leslie; D.L. Perterson; W.G. Humes;…
"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.3 cm.
Three men looking at one man speaking. Text on back of image reads: ""300A 1. Homer Money; 2. J.S. Lorenzen; 3. Everett A. Weakley; 4. J.D. (Bud) Shaffer"""
Four attendees during White Bluffs-Hanford reunion picnic. Woman leaning on a barrel that reads "Kitty Barrel". (Man on the far left, is Harold, Ellen Anderson's husband).
"1 photograph; 20.4 x 25.6 cm.
Many laid out spots for homes to be built on. Text on back of image reads: ""Hanford Works; Photo No. 10; Area Ranch type home; Date 8-26-48; Code U; Robley L. Johnson Photo Richland, Washington""."
A group of visiting foreign nuclear scientists and policymakers viewing the Dismantling machine at the Hanford Engineering Development Lab. The dismanteler, developed by Jerry Tallent, cut open fuel rods by welding copper to stainless steel which…
An audio oral history interview with Bill Putnam conducted by Tom Putnam for the B Reactor Museum Association. Hope was a "Pr Sr. Supervisor of C Shift" during WWII at the Hanford Site.
View of large open area flooded from roadway; houses, barns, horse stalls seen in background. [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]
View of several structures, some Quonset buildings, seen partially flooded. Sign centered reads, “Exit Only, One Way Do Not Enter”. (Poss. Hanford camp site?) [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]
View of 8 men on roadway, near water’s edge; numerous sandbags seen on water’s edge [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]
View of open area after flood waters receded; small structure seen to the right [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]
View of large open area flooded; many tress, and small structure seen centered. [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]
View of truck and trailer on its side in flood water next to roadway; “Dutch Mill, Eat” building in background, man squatting on roadway. [Flood of 1948 in Richland; both Columbia and Yakima River flooded the area]