"1 photograph; 12.6 x 17.8 cm.
Woman wearing a lab coat turning a nob of a machine. Text on back of image reads: ""Photo No. 7800969-17; Battelle-Northwest Photography Richland, Washington 99352""."
Ellen Anderson Beldin and baby Scottie. Standing in between a house and a shop, with another woman walking out of the doorway of a smaller out building.
An audio oral history interview with Gardner Clark "G.C." Blackburn conducted by Gene Weisskopf for the B Reactor Museum Association as part of an interview series focused on the T Plant and writing a Historic American Engineering Record (HAER)…
"Dr. Bair was a pioneer in the field of health physics. he was employed at Hanford beginning in the era when GE was the prime contractor. He did innovative research on the effective [sic] of radiation using animal models." Interview with B. Bair…
An audio oral history interview with William Baumgartner for the B Reactor Museum Association. Baumgartner was a 200 Area Chemist at the Hanford Site during the early Cold War. Interview is split into two parts.
The collection contains newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, speeches/presentations, publication by Wilfrid E. Johnson, and other miscellaneous documents (i.e. programs, invitations, books and booklets, personal research materials,…