ODEX I was built for remote observation of dangeriously radioactive areas, specifically Three Mile Island. According to Jerry Tallent the prototype was not very funcational and although another was requested it was not built.
Roger Rohrbacher, Mary Rohrbacher, and Ray Issacson describe their experiences during the construction and subsequent operation of HEW facilities during WWII and the early years of the Cold War.
(Left to right) Harry, Juanita, Clarene, Arthur Anderson; standing next to the foundation of their childhood home during a WB-Han reunion. The four of us at home."
"Malwina Marie Crompe & Samuel Allard at 1880. Their marriage in Minn. (Sam's 1st wife who died when their 4th child was born.) He came west in 1908 at 49. With 2nd wife Delia."
"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Ringold in background on left and Taylor flats in background on right. Text on back of image reads: ""Taylor Flats in background on Ring old background on left""."
"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.3 cm.
Taylor Flats in background, Franklin side of Columbia river. Tet on back of image reads: ""Taylor Flats in background Franklin side of Columbia R. Might be part of water supply system to wppss.""."
Construction of a large storage tank, about 60 feet in diameter and 30 feet in height, in the 200 West Area. Most workers are on the top of the tank, while two others arrange hoses at the base.