Browse Items (1110 total)

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Shed 2904-EA beside railroad tracks."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Inside of a shed showing pipes."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Torn down shed in front of concrete pad with railroad tracks in the background."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Concrete pad by railroad tracks with a torn down shed."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Concrete pad behind a container and caution sign with railroad tracks in the background."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
221BF BCE-MH-05 sanitary water sewer. Text on front of image reads: ""221 BF BCE-MH-05; Not BCE, Really San. Water Sewer""."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
225B-MH-06 S.W. brick sewer with black sludge. Text on front of image reads: ""225B-MH-06 (S.W.)""."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
BCE MH-7 brick room with black sludge and gold specks. Text on front of image reads: ""L-HW BCE""."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
BCE MH-7 sewer cover removed."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
BCE MH-8 brick room with black sludge with gold and black specks. Text on front of image reads: ""BCE MA-8 (Incorrectly labeled MH-10)"". Diagram on back of image has text that reads: ""BCE MH - 7; WesF Steam…

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
271-B repository filled with black sludge and has metal ladder. Text on front of image reads: ""271-B; 5/21/97""."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Wiring going from a box into the dirt ."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Metal circuit box next to railroad tracks."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Pipes inside a concrete hole with ladders."

Tags: & &

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Circuit box next to manhole."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Pipes inside a concrete hole with ladders."

Tags: & &

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Pipes inside a hole with a ladder and overhead lights."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Wood frame around caustic fire wire next to manhole cover."

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"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
FQI/FIT-151-9000-1 magnetic flowmeter and AIT/TIT-151-9000-1 pH controller."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Metal box connected to various electronic devices."

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Sign reading ""Maximum Load 24,000 LBS Wt. - 850 LBS Drawing H-2-828986-1"". Pipes suspended from a metal beam. Text on back reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 11CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford…

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Sign Reading ""Maximum Load 24,000 LBS Wt. - 850 LBS Drawing H-2-828986-1"". Pipes suspended from a metal beam outside. Text on back reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 4CN; Date job received: 07/24/98;…

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Pulley system lifting a large device with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy 98070284 - 26CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

Tags: &


"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Pulley system lifting a large device with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy 98070248 - 34CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

Tags: &

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Pulley system lifting a large device with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy 98070284 - 23CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

Tags: &

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Device underneath pulley system with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy 98070284 - 22CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

Tags: &

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Device underneath pulley system with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. department of Energy; 98070284 - 31CN; Date job Received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

Tags: &

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Device underneath pulley system with men standing nearby. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 25CN; Date of job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

Tags: &

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Yellow tarps in a rectangle underneath a pulley system with men around it. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 33CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509)…

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"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Pulley system lifting device with a man standing on the ground. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 1CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Device with tarp around it and men working on it with sign reading ""Maximum Load 24,000 LBS Wt. - 850 LBS Drawing H-2-828986-1"". Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 18CN; Date job…

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Pulley system lifting a large device above a tarped off area below. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 3CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509) 376-3975""."

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Large device with sign reading Maximum Load 24,000 LBS Wt. - 850 LBS Drawing H-2-828986-1 connected to a large metal beam with a tarp around it. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 -…

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Blue crane next to a water tower, buildings, and power lines."

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Men looking at machinery."

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"1 photograph; 7 x 11 cm.
Cars parked next to the sidewalk with a flag poll and mountains in the background."

"1 photograph; 7 x 11.5 cm.
Cars parked next to the sidewalk with buildings in the background."

"1 photograph; 6.5 x 11 cm.
Four apartment buildings."

"1 photograph; 7 x 11.5 cm.
Cars on the street in front of a large round roof building."

"1 photograph; 8 x 11.5 cm.
Richland theater building."

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"1 photograph; 8 x 11.5 cm.
Buildings along a sidewalk lined street. United States Post Office on left."

"1 photograph; 8 x 11.5 cm.
Building with parked cars out front and mountains in the background."

"1 photograph; 10 x 12.5 cm.
Girl holding a tray. Text on image reads: ""Norwegian Tea - Cheryl Sampson; Kay lamb""."

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"1 photograph; 10 x 12.5 cm.
Connie Phillips, Jim Coyne - boys and girls conversing. Text on back of image reads: ""Connie Phillips; Jim Cayne; Kay Lamb""."

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"1 photograph; 10 x 12.5 cm.
Dill, Marilyn Callahan - boys and girls posing for the camera. Text on back of image reads: ""? Dill; Marilyn Callahan; Kay Lamb""."

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"1 photograph; 12.7 x 17.5 cm.
Children lying down head to toe in the hallway practicing ""Duck and Cover""."

"1 photograph; 12.7 x 18 cm.
Spalding School Faculty picture 1951 with the school in the background. Text on back of image reads: ""Back Row Left to Right: Vernc Harway; Nadice Alexanander; Donald Spellman; John Packman; Al Latines; Helen Haad;…

"1 photograph; 12.7 x 18 cm.
Spalding School Faculty picture unknown year with the school in the background. Text on back of image reads (text is not entirely accurate): ""Back Row; 1. Ken O Leon - P.E.; 2. -; 3. Craig Anderson - 6; 4. Row Swanson…

"1 photograph; 12.7 x 18 cm.
Spalding School Administration unknown year with the school in the background. Text on back of image reads: ""1st row - 1.Carol Shinger; 2. Clarice Glenn; 3. Jane O Uidikuk; 4. Norma Gustaffson; 5. Fraye Jones; Dickane…

"1 photograph; 12.9 x 17.6 cm.
School Faculty unknown year with the school in the background. Text on back of image reads (text is not entirely accurate and from left to right and from top to bottom): ""6th Lee Clarkson 56-57; Dick Paeth; Ray…
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