Edward Milliman and another worker running inhalation tests on rodents, likely Syrian Hamsters at Pacific Northwest Laboratory. The red suits indicate that exposure tests are currently being run. Photograph number 760818-13cn
Clipping from Tri City Herald about Edward Milliman and a female companion being locked into a Black Angus restaurant when the staff, thinking the restaurant was empty, closed and locked the doors.
Clipping from National Engineer Montly describing a recent patent filed by Department of Energy for a device that will "deliver uniform concentrations of dust for a long period of time." This device, invented by Edward Milliman at Pacificn Northwest…
Edward Milliman operating a device that forces hamsters to smoke cigarettes. 30 cigarettes are loaded at the top and each corresponds to a hamster. The machine takes a "puff" every few seconds. Photograph number PNL 711513-59