Dennis Brunson, Oral History Metadata
Dublin Core
Dennis Brunson, Oral History Metadata
Metadata received during oral history interview with Dennis Brunson
Items donated by Dennis Brunson to the Hanford History Project
Hanford History Project at Washington State University Tri-Cities
Those interested in reproducing part or all of this collection should contact the Hanford History Project at, who can provide specific rights information for these items.
Items in the Dennis Brunson, Oral History Metadata Collection
Security checkpoint
A drawing of a man leaving a building while showing his ID card to a security guard.
Thar She Blows!
A drawing of people looking at something in the water through binoculars and telescopes.
WBEAA Wants You
A drawing of a man and woman looking at a poster with Uncle Sam saying "WBEAA wants you" on it.
A drawing of a group of people holding their arms on their chest with hearts floating around them.
Hazmat shipping training
A drawing showing a man talking about HM-126F, a federal regulation passed in 1993 that required training for employees shipping hazardous materials.
A drawing of a woman wrapped in bandages in a hospital bed saying, "Thanks for contacting PAR for me."
Capitol Building
A drawing of a group of people campaigning for Clinton/Gore outside of the Capitol building
A drawing of a group of people, two people shaking hands, and books representing CFR 40, CFR 49 and state regulations
Can you direct people to the right department on the first try?
A drawing of confused Battelle workers.